![]() Many people will claim that they want something different in their life, it is the brave who choose to become something different so that they can attract what they want. We cannot simply wish for something to materialise in our life, we need to become the person who will draw that to us. It requires creating the next and greatest version of ourselves, after first accepting who we are in the moment, flaws 'n all. Who you are now is familiar to you. If you are unwilling to embrace the unknown, to step in to it with curiosity, you may find yourself forever repeating the past. The way that we most commonly fear the unknown is that we take our painful past and project it in to the future. Follow the steps below and you can create your future self anew. 1) Be willing to let go of the past. We hold on to the past for many different reasons. We may still harbour resentment or anger towards another, for their mistakes, and refuse to forgive them. Or we may continue to be angry at ourselves for our own mistakes and failures. Many struggle to forgive because they feel that it is admitting that the other person is right. The reason to forgive is so that we can end our own suffering, so that we can move forward, free from the burden of the past. If we don't forgive we find ourselves repeating the same lessons over and over until we get them. When we forgive, we allow new stories to unfold. Accept wholeheartedly what is, and choose to become the most empowered version of yourself from that point forward. 2) Get very clear on what you have control over, and what you do not. By acknowledging your fears (to yourself or a mentor you can trust with them ) you can master them. When you do not acknowledge them you will seek to control your environment, and others within it. You may project your fears on to others through blame and criticism. You will know that you are trying to control things that you cannot when you feel anxiety. You may control it by not facing the challenge before you. You may control others by making sure that they conform to your wishes so that you do not have to face that fear. I had major control issues in the past and it caused me much stress trying to control everything in my life. When I acknowledged the fears beneath, I was able to develop mastery over them and did not need to control. 3) Who you are being called to become is not familiar to you, and so what happens in your world when you are that person will be unknown to you. If you have forever been stuck in feelings of self consciousness, being confident will seem unfamiliar to you. And, because it is unfamiliar you may find yourself focusing only upon the struggles that you have to overcome to be that person, and conclude that it is then safer to stay where you are. Be willing to welcome in the unknown that is calling you to be greatest version of yourself. We hold on to what is familiar, even if it is painful, unaware that the unfamiliar may be much more joyous to us. 4) What will be some of the benefits of you embodying that quality that you are being called to become? When you are confident, you will find yourself enjoying social or business occasions more, you will find yourself creating new possibilities for yourself. Before I was in public speaking I lacked confidence. My desire to be a public speaker was stronger than my fear of it, and through the process, step by step I was able to enhance my feelings of self-confidence. Now I can stand up in front of thousands of people if necessary, and as a result I am able to help more people, and I am able to support the lifestyle that I desire. What quality are you being called to become? What would the benefits to your life be if you embodied that quality? Allow those to become the focal point of your imagination, instead of the obstacles that stand in the way. See yourself as the person who embodies those qualities. 5) You don't have control over what happens to you, you only have control over who you choose to become. Much of what happens to you is a result of the laws of nature, and is not within our control. You have control over how you respond to situations and you have control over who you choose to become. In relationships of any kind, we have control over who we choose to be, and absolutely no control over who another chooses to be. So choosing to be confident will present you with tests as to how much you want to be that person. You will not have to stand up in front of a million tv viewers today, but you can take one step forward that will challenge yourself to be that person. 6) You become who you tell yourself that you are repeatedly. If you tell yourself you lack self confidence, it will become a self fulfilling prophecy. In those moments when you face challenges to your self esteem or your confidence, remind yourself who you are. "I am confident" repeated a hundred times before speaking at a toastmasters event will help you feel more powerful than all the worrying about what people will think of you. For some time there may be a battle in your mind, but the thoughts you are creating today are the ones that are creating the person you will become in the future. To be confident in the future, you need to begin telling yourself that you are that now, and believe it within every cell of your being. 7) Give yourself permission to embrace the unknown. Take a deep breath. "I trust the process of my life. I embrace the unknown. All is well." We need to be conscious of when we are taking action and making choices from a place of fear and restlessness, and when we are taking action and making choices from a place of calm and intuitive guidance. The most inspirational creativity in the world comes from those who are willing to embrace the unknown willingly. You could be creating a new relationship, a new business, a book, a speaking event, or anything else. How it looks remains unknown to you at this time, but the more you trust the creative process, the more effortlessly you will allow life to be better. Focus on what you do have control over, instead of what you can't control. When you follow the steps outlined above, you can step more confidently in to being the person that you want to be, so that you can more effortlessly enjoy the life that you want to live. It is ultimately about recognising that you have control over who you become, and not over what others do to or for you. ![]() GROUP COACHING AND ENERGY HEALING SESSION - VICTORIA, BC NOVEMBER 2ND 2012 , 7 PM Nicole Powell and Matthew Ashdown want to guide you as you step into the most awesome version of yourself, the YOU who will attract the life you want. Whether you aim to be an artist, a writer, a singer, a dog trainer, or Mayor, this coaching and energy healing session will support you in integrating into the cells of your being, the person you are being called to step into. Click here to join in on the fun.
![]() So you want to have a tv show. You want to change the world in massive ways. Millions around the world are feeling the calling, but it is the ones who are stepping it up who are fulfilling them. It is one thing to be clear on what it is that you want to do in the world, but are you focused on who you need to become in order for that to happen? Without a clear focus on a vision of YOU, you can get caught up in being focused on what you don't want to be, because it could seem there is more of that going on in the world. I want to help you get clearer on who you are being called to become in order to bring that vision to fruition. Consider this example: Someone wants to be on the OWN network. They want a beautiful home in the country. They want to raise children and write books. They want to empower people to live healthier lives. ( Yes I hear these dreams often so don't be surprised if it sounds like you ). None of this states who the person is in all of this, the vision for who they are. There are people living that kind of life who lack integrity, and are in it for the fame only. Is that the kind of person you want to be? Nothing wrong with fame, but is that the thing you really want, or is it the effect you can have on the world with that fame? Take the time to reflect on who you need to become and you will find yourself having much more control of your life. Here are 5 steps that I can suggest so that you are able to get clear on the vision for you. 1) What qualities do you need to embody to attract that into your life? Consider this quote from Wayne Dyer: “You do not attract into your life what you want. You attract what you are.” - Wayne Dyer Some of the qualities to embody will be ones that are obvious to you. Others less so, and you will find through trial and error on the path of life. In order to attract abundance though, you need to know that you are abundant. The person who constantly notices lack and scarcity will only create more of that. You may know that you suffer from low self-confidence and know that confidence is something you want to embody. Here are some examples that people are usually quite aware they want to embody: Confidence. Authenticity. Patience. Persistence. Risk taking. Abundance mindset. Responsible. Inspiring After you list them off you may think to yourself "I can never be this" or "I am not good enough". The remaining steps will help you so that you can begin to step into the more empowered version of yourself. 2) What are you afraid that you might become with all that power? Until we acknowledge the fears about what we want to avoid becoming, those fears can take a hold of us and prevent us from taking the next step. You can usually get clear on that when you think of someone that you don't like who is in a position of authority. An example that I hear from many is that they do not want to be egotistical, meaning they value humbleness. Here are some other examples: 1) Obsessed with money. 2) Controlling 3) Greedy 4) Mean 5) Dishonest. Be aware of the fact that if you feel a charge about these traits in others, that they exist somewhere within you, or you still judge that in others. I would recommend releasing any judgement you feel towards those traits in the other so that you can release them in yourself as it only gets in the way of the vision for you. Ho opono pono is the best technique that I have found to help with this step. If you are known as a loving and kind person, the last thing you want somebody seeing is the hate that you may have within you. Release the judgement of it within yourself and embrace the wholeness of who you are. 3) So who do you want to be instead? What is the flipside of each of the above? We can get caught at looking at poor examples of power in the world ( politicians often make the obvious choice for many people ) and unconsciously be telling ourselves that we don't want to become that. Or we can focus on who it is that we will choose to become as we step into our power. So we can use the examples from before, and shift the focus from what we don't want to become, to what we consider to be the opposite of that. 1) Healthy relationship with money 2) Giving freedom to all. 3) Generous 4) Kind 5) Honest Begin today to own these qualities within yourself. Notice when you embody them, acknowledge them in yourself. When others compliment you on this trait or characteristic, thank them, they have gifted you an awareness that you may not have had about yourself before. Many of us grew up not thinking we could acknowledge these in ourselves, but unless we do, we will not be able to share them with the world. Don't go around shouting who you are, show the world by your actions in every moment. 4) Who is someone that you aspire to be like? What are the qualities that they embody that you like and wish to embody more within yourself? Keep pictures of them close by so that you can remind yourself of who you are seeking to become. You admire those qualities in another, because they reside within you. Make a conscious choice to giving your attention to becoming that person more often. Claim "I AM..." When it comes to qualities of spirit, you will find yourself accepting the truth of them a lot easier than things like "I am a millionaire". I am not saying that you should not focus on that if it was what you want, but that it is not a quality of spirit per se. A quality of spirit within all of us is kindness. The truth is that you are kind, it is a quality of spirit that we all possess that we either exhibit often or rarely. For the above examples: 1) I am abundant. 2) I am in control of my life. 3) I am generous. 4) I am kind. 5) I am honest. and others are: "I am willing to change" "I am authentic" "I am inspiring" "I am self-responsible" 5) Release the resistance to the new you. As you begin to tell yourself these statements, some will feel more real than others. Some will need some time to integrate properly. It is important to release the attachments to the old self in order to step in to the new. You may face resistance to change, a lack of desire to become some of those qualities for yourself, but with the end vision in mind at all times, it becomes much easier. Energy techniques can be very helpful in releasing your bonds ( read below about an upcoming event that I am co-facilitating with my beloved, aka "monkey"). In time you will find yourself living from this space. The adventure of the Grail Knight is one of facing our inner demons and embracing our inner light. We need a clear vision of who we are being called to become, and clarity will come through every experience in which your shadow self raises it's head and we shine the light on it. 6) Take a little action every day that will help you to build that quality more within yourself. If you want to exercise your kindness muscles, commit to one random act of kindness each day. Help someone across the road, call a friend to say hello, buy a homeless person a warm hot coffee in the fall weather. That will help you believe that you are kind. If you are seeking to be more playful and easygoing, what is one thing that you can do today? If you are wishing to be a responsible person, what is one responsible action step that you can take in your life today? Maybe it is taking responsibility for your health with good food purchases, taking responsibility for your finances by making payment arrangements if you have debts. For each quality you are seeking to embrace within yourself, what is one action you can take today that would tell you that you are that person? And keep building on it, day by day. Have fun stepping into who you want to be! ![]() GROUP COACHING AND ENERGY HEALING SESSION - VICTORIA, BC NOVEMBER 2ND 2012 , 7 PM Nicole Powell and Matthew Ashdown want to guide you as you step into the most awesome version of yourself, the YOU who will attract the life you want. Whether you aim to be an artist, a writer, a singer, a dog trainer, or Mayor, this coaching and energy healing session will support you in integrating into the cells of your being, the person you are being called to step into. Click here to join in on the phone. The life you are living now is a result of the thoughts you were thinking 10 years ago. The life you will be living 10 years from now will be determined greatly by the thoughts that you are thinking now. Take responsibility for your thoughts. Invest your time in thoughts that support you and others. 8 years ago I was introduced to the work of Louise Hay. 4 years ago I had the pleasure of having lunch with her, and was able to share how profound a shift her work had on my life. She was 50 years old when she released her little self-published book, and now in her mid eighties she runs a multi-million dollar book publishing company which is influencing the lives of millions around the world. Who are you being called to become? It begins with your thoughts. If you realise that there is still something that you need to change within yourself, it begins with your thoughts. If you are self-critical, you can begin to practice self-kindness. If you are unforgiving, you can begin to be forgiving, by choosing your thoughts wisely. Check out the short clip of the movie that is changing lives around the world. The banner below will take you to a link where you can view the video online or buy the movie. Change your thoughts, and you will change your life. ![]() Have you got worries about how your book/speaking events will be received by the world? Many authors/writers/speakers do have them. Below I provide 5 tips to meet them with passion and determination. 1) You were punished in the past for speaking your truth. You may have felt like you had no freedom to express yourself when you were a child, but you are an adult now. You have certain freedoms that you probably did not have under the roof growing up, or in schools where questioning authority was frowned upon. That subconscious programming runs deep though, and so you may find some resistance coming up as you begin to share the message. "Children should be seen and not heard." How often did you hear that one? So we learned that it is not safe for us to ask questions, or to share our truth. Give yourself permission to be heard, remind yourself "It is safe to be seen. I am free to express myself." 2) Get clear on who your audience is. You are not writing or speaking for your critics, and if you are, you may want to rethink your strategies. If you write a book for your 6th Grade English teacher who marked you down, you are working with the thought that you are not good enough, and you may forever strive trying to be good enough. This approach has us spinning in feelings of low self worth. Instead, you want to write or speak to those people that you know you can help or inspire or make laugh, those you know who will be interested in what you are saying. So it is worth identifying them from the start so that you can begin to reach them through your marketing messaging. Instead of telling yourself "I am not good enough", ask yourself; "What would it take for me to be successful with my book?" As you work with an audience that loves and values your work, you will know that you are good enough. 3) You may receive criticism, it is wise to build an immunity to it. I have seen authors react to criticism about their books, and I personally took a hiatus when I was younger from all that I received in the public speaking field. But, I learned to overcome the fear of criticism and I suggest you do too. How do you respond to the criticism? If you react to people in defense, you will probably react to the world in the same way. Not that you should tolerate ongoing criticism from people in your life, but you do not have the same choice when it comes to the adoring public. Get some written or spoken material out there, welcome the criticism if you get it, and respond to it in kind. You will grow through the experience. Either you will agree with the criticism and work on it, or you will disagree and move on. 4) What if I upset others with my words? What if I piss off the wrong people? These questions will keep you paralysed, unable to take actions. Get clear on the intention of your book. Is your intention to piss people off? When we focus on what we don't want, it informs our writing or speaking. What if your intention was to make it so that even your villains are understood? Or that you are revealing truth that will benefit the masses? Some people may get angry, but unless you are deliberately trying to offend them, it is more about them. "The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off!" I met an author at one point who very concerned that he might piss off the wrong people in government and invested all his energy in worrying about it, instead of focusing on all the people who would have appreciated and loved his work, so that he could get his scientific findings out to the public. And so he unwittingly sabotaged himself every step of the way, unwilling to do the very work that would actually give him the visibility he thought he wanted so much. If there comes a time that you will be a threat to national security, you will want to address it ( like the guy who wrote the book about the Bin Laden mission ) . But until then, you are like everyone else who has a message to get out there. Look at Dan Brown, he still lives, and he pissed off a few people. The powers that want you hushed will only worry about you when you are making a noise. At that point, then yes, you will have to face your own mortality, but until then, I think it is time to step it up and make some noise. What if people love and appreciated your book/event? 5) Trust your intuition and your voice. You may feel a strong urge to share your message with the world, your intuition nudging you forward. And then as you tell people about it, they call you a dreamer, or tell stories of their own failures. Your intuition is calling you to be something more, to follow your own calling. The Grail Knights succeeded, not by following the path of their fathers, but creating their own paths, following their own intuition, and some indeed found the grail. There will be challenges along the way, but they are only testing how much you want the goal. Learn to discern between intuition and fear, trust your intuition, trust your voice and have the courage to speak up. At first you may reach a couple of people, but with determination, passion and persistence you will be able to reach that many more people. Armed with these 5 life changers from my own life, I guarantee that you will be able to make headway in the direction of the vision for your business and your life. ![]() Have you studied all the strategies of the successful ones, but find yourself holding back, or not having any success? Fear is the biggest stealer of dreams, and those who heckle us only test us. With someone to guide us, someone who has been down a similar path, we can feel more confident about ours. Coaching is for you if want to tune more into your intuition and ask the questions that will empower you on your path. Gain clarity, overcome inner obstacles and make a difference today. Contact me here to receive a complimentary session. |
AuthorYoga, spirituality, science, adventures and more. These blogs are designed to uplift your days and help you find clarity. Archives
January 2025