![]() "A house divided against itself cannot stand." - Abraham Lincoln This week I have noticed myself being especially aware of the shadow of division within myself and within the world. It has come up throughout this whole Covid experience, but in light of the Delta group that I am part of, it is especially apparent to me. At times I have reacted to it within my being, but as the week has progressed it has become more about noticing and responding. When we journey with the Gene Keys we eventually meet our Vocation Key in the Pearl Sequence. And the Gene Key that governs this sphere for all of us would be the 7th Gene Key, which moves from the Shadow of Division, to the Gift of Guidance, and it is the SIddhi of Virtue. As long as we are divided within, then we will perpetuate that division in the world, and we cannot be on purpose. This is why it's been important for me this week to notice my reactions to the division. They show me where I am divided. Throughout my life I have played what I would call an activist role, but in many ways I could see it was more about being a reactionist. I have the 49th Gene Key twice in my chart (SQ and Radiance) so I can see where I have been both helpful and unhelpful. Now, I am making a conscious effort to avoid 'them and us' thinking. What has been coming through more and more in recent months is the need to envision the future. Not as a way to escape the now, or to avoid our shadows, but to anchor in new energies into my being and into the world. It is easy to react to the agendas of others and to fight back, but the shadows will always arise when we focus on the vision we are bringing forth. I love and am committed to the vision of Guidance brought through by the 7th Gene Key, which means I am going to witness the shadow of division in the world and myself, but I do not have to react to it. And so when I see myself as part of community, I see myself connecting with others creating a foundation based upon the gift of Guidance. And these are few and far between. Those with the gift of Guidance are not dictating to others what they should or shouldn't be doing, they are empowering others to act according to their own intuition. This shadow is not something we just see in the authorities of the world, I see it in those who are rebelling against the authorities of the world, still dictating what others should or should not be doing. So as a whole we still do not see the 7th gift playing out in the world at large. And the only person I have any influence over with this is myself. Wherever I catch myself in Division I have an opportunity to embrace a deeper level of Guidance. I make a choice not to invest in the division in the world by energetically not reacting to it. I have no idea how long this shadow will play out in the collective before we are done with it, but I can choose when I am done with it. This Gene Key also plays a part in the Codon Ring of Union (4th, 7th, 29th and 59th Gene Keys) which brings to us a vision of collective leadership. This is the ring that will transmute the notion of hierarchy in the world, which means acknowledging and embracing the shadows of Intolerance, Division, Dishonesty and Half-heartedness and see how they play off of one another. Avalon, as an archetypal reality, holds a vision, an ideal, for me, that I resonate with. The myths of Avalon have been carried throughout the ages, of a land of plenty, abundance and sovereignty. It holds a vision for us, one that as a whole we have had a challenge embracing. We can have or individual intentions for our lives, but what will see us through as a humanity is collective intentions. This may not be a vision you align with, so what is yours? We will be asked to attune to this vision, not force it upon the world, lest we fall back into the shadow realms. Synarchy, Synthesis and Syntropy - three words that propel the vision of the Gene Keys and are very much aligned with the vision of Avalon. We practice them in our own hearts, in our own lives, and through our modelling of it can be an influence on the world. The archetypes of Merlin, Arthur, Morgan Le Fay, Nimue and others can be guides for us on this journey. I see the vision of Avalon not as something to empower the individual alone, all that is part of it, but also to come together to anchor in a new vision of the world we are co-creating. And each person playing along will be contributing to that vision in their own unique way. Whatever vision we collectively hold, we will meet our shadows along the way, sometimes in the form of people in our lives. How we respond to them will have a big affect on us. There is always somebody beckoning us to join their cause, to fight for their ideal, but oftentimes we are not even sure of the vision we are fighting for. When we fight others, while in the realms of the shadows all the time, we cannot even tap into our vision. When we transmute the shadows then the vision becomes clear. It's there, awaiting our awareness of it. The 7th Gene Key is guiding us into the future. Whether it's in our chart or not it is influencing our journey. What collective visions do you align with? What are we being guided to create together? What is your part in that puzzle? What can you do now to bring it to your part of the world? ![]() Join us for an 12 week journey as we dive deep into the mysteries of Avalon and call forth its wisdom for the modern age. Each of the many buildings and features within the landscape offer us something of contemplation to activate experiences and integration within our lives. We visit the feminine mysteries of the priesteses of Avalon, and the stories of the Grail, watched over by Joseph of Arimathea. And we journey not as individuals, but as a group of people each serving a function within the collective.
AuthorYoga, spirituality, science, adventures and more. These blogs are designed to uplift your days and help you find clarity. Archives
January 2025