![]() Have you got worries about how your book/speaking events will be received by the world? Many authors/writers/speakers do have them. Below I provide 5 tips to meet them with passion and determination. 1) You were punished in the past for speaking your truth. You may have felt like you had no freedom to express yourself when you were a child, but you are an adult now. You have certain freedoms that you probably did not have under the roof growing up, or in schools where questioning authority was frowned upon. That subconscious programming runs deep though, and so you may find some resistance coming up as you begin to share the message. "Children should be seen and not heard." How often did you hear that one? So we learned that it is not safe for us to ask questions, or to share our truth. Give yourself permission to be heard, remind yourself "It is safe to be seen. I am free to express myself." 2) Get clear on who your audience is. You are not writing or speaking for your critics, and if you are, you may want to rethink your strategies. If you write a book for your 6th Grade English teacher who marked you down, you are working with the thought that you are not good enough, and you may forever strive trying to be good enough. This approach has us spinning in feelings of low self worth. Instead, you want to write or speak to those people that you know you can help or inspire or make laugh, those you know who will be interested in what you are saying. So it is worth identifying them from the start so that you can begin to reach them through your marketing messaging. Instead of telling yourself "I am not good enough", ask yourself; "What would it take for me to be successful with my book?" As you work with an audience that loves and values your work, you will know that you are good enough. 3) You may receive criticism, it is wise to build an immunity to it. I have seen authors react to criticism about their books, and I personally took a hiatus when I was younger from all that I received in the public speaking field. But, I learned to overcome the fear of criticism and I suggest you do too. How do you respond to the criticism? If you react to people in defense, you will probably react to the world in the same way. Not that you should tolerate ongoing criticism from people in your life, but you do not have the same choice when it comes to the adoring public. Get some written or spoken material out there, welcome the criticism if you get it, and respond to it in kind. You will grow through the experience. Either you will agree with the criticism and work on it, or you will disagree and move on. 4) What if I upset others with my words? What if I piss off the wrong people? These questions will keep you paralysed, unable to take actions. Get clear on the intention of your book. Is your intention to piss people off? When we focus on what we don't want, it informs our writing or speaking. What if your intention was to make it so that even your villains are understood? Or that you are revealing truth that will benefit the masses? Some people may get angry, but unless you are deliberately trying to offend them, it is more about them. "The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off!" I met an author at one point who very concerned that he might piss off the wrong people in government and invested all his energy in worrying about it, instead of focusing on all the people who would have appreciated and loved his work, so that he could get his scientific findings out to the public. And so he unwittingly sabotaged himself every step of the way, unwilling to do the very work that would actually give him the visibility he thought he wanted so much. If there comes a time that you will be a threat to national security, you will want to address it ( like the guy who wrote the book about the Bin Laden mission ) . But until then, you are like everyone else who has a message to get out there. Look at Dan Brown, he still lives, and he pissed off a few people. The powers that want you hushed will only worry about you when you are making a noise. At that point, then yes, you will have to face your own mortality, but until then, I think it is time to step it up and make some noise. What if people love and appreciated your book/event? 5) Trust your intuition and your voice. You may feel a strong urge to share your message with the world, your intuition nudging you forward. And then as you tell people about it, they call you a dreamer, or tell stories of their own failures. Your intuition is calling you to be something more, to follow your own calling. The Grail Knights succeeded, not by following the path of their fathers, but creating their own paths, following their own intuition, and some indeed found the grail. There will be challenges along the way, but they are only testing how much you want the goal. Learn to discern between intuition and fear, trust your intuition, trust your voice and have the courage to speak up. At first you may reach a couple of people, but with determination, passion and persistence you will be able to reach that many more people. Armed with these 5 life changers from my own life, I guarantee that you will be able to make headway in the direction of the vision for your business and your life. ![]() Have you studied all the strategies of the successful ones, but find yourself holding back, or not having any success? Fear is the biggest stealer of dreams, and those who heckle us only test us. With someone to guide us, someone who has been down a similar path, we can feel more confident about ours. Coaching is for you if want to tune more into your intuition and ask the questions that will empower you on your path. Gain clarity, overcome inner obstacles and make a difference today. Contact me here to receive a complimentary session.
1 Comment
10/7/2012 07:50:35 am
how do you know if your trying too hard? Or if your not trying hard enough?
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AuthorYoga, spirituality, science, adventures and more. These blogs are designed to uplift your days and help you find clarity. Archives
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