"The one who finds the dynamo of compassion is the one who’s found the Grail."
-- Joseph Campbell
The Gene Keys - Venus Sequence is a powerful body of work that has helped thousands of people become aware of their shadows, gifts and siddhis in relationships in life, whether intimate, friends, or business relationships. Based upon ancient wisdom it is presented in a way that supports us all in this modern era and can be applied to all experiences. The myth of the Grail is timeless and Matthew weaves it in as part of this alchemical journey and adventure into inner space.
This is an invitation to join in a gathering of souls, facilitated by Matthew, to explore your Venus Sequence. This is open to those who are new to it as well as those who have journeyed with this for some time.
As we work through the Venus Sequence together we are:
- debugging defence patterns in relationships to allow for a flood of love.
- bringing awareness and presence to our core wounds and unleash the mystery of the grail within.
- releasing relationship patterns that no longer serve.
- activating the gifts and siddhis that will bring harmony to our world, beginning with our relationships.
The Gene Keys are about living wisdom not knowledge, which that means that in every group you are part of a new wisdom can pour through, bringing insights to you and the collective. Our auras joining together in common union brings about a profound adventure and so I invite you to join me and a new fellowship as we share this transmission together.
Up to 12 Of us will be diving into an exploration of the Gene Keys Venus Sequence, with the support of archetypes of the grail myth, for a 16 week period of time. Merlin, Lady of the Lake, Arthur, Guinevere, Morgan La Fay, even Excalibur, will reflect aspects of the journey with each of us.
Although you are joining a group, you will of course be working through everything in your own timing. We cannot force the process of awakening.
Wondering what the time commitment is?
- 2 hour class once per week on zoom.
- study of the course material in the the Venus Sequence online course between sessions, up to an hour of webinars (includes pdf
Pathway of Love book)
- Guided Visualisations and Meditations recorded by Matthew in addition to the ones in the Gene Keys course.
- there will also be the opportunity to buddy up, something very helpful on the Gene Keys journey.
Our intention is always to create a safe space for us all to grow and learn together. Collectively we make agreements at the beginning of the journey and it becomes the responsibility of each individual to live by those agreements.
Price: US $200 total
US $100 (Contact Matthew at [email protected] to make arrangements to pay by PayPal, credit card or etransfer)
You will need the study material from Richard Rudd, the core teachings, available here, The Activation Sequence Materials. If you already
have the course material then it will be US $100.
Dates: Every Thursday, beginning March 11th, for 8 weeks
Times: 12 pm - 2:00 pm PST
- 2 hour class once per week on zoom.
- study of the course material in the the Venus Sequence online course between sessions, up to an hour of webinars (includes pdf
Pathway of Love book)
- Guided Visualisations and Meditations recorded by Matthew in addition to the ones in the Gene Keys course.
- there will also be the opportunity to buddy up, something very helpful on the Gene Keys journey.
Our intention is always to create a safe space for us all to grow and learn together. Collectively we make agreements at the beginning of the journey and it becomes the responsibility of each individual to live by those agreements.
Price: US $200 total
US $100 (Contact Matthew at [email protected] to make arrangements to pay by PayPal, credit card or etransfer)
You will need the study material from Richard Rudd, the core teachings, available here, The Activation Sequence Materials. If you already
have the course material then it will be US $100.
Dates: Every Thursday, beginning March 11th, for 8 weeks
Times: 12 pm - 2:00 pm PST
“Throughout the journey Matthew intuitively guides you to insights and doors of perception that you likely didn't know existed, thus providing the platform for self discovery, expansion and realisation. Journeying with a group provides support, comradeship and enhanced collective experience. A brilliant and highly recommended opportunity to begin or continue your lifelong Gene Keys work.”
- Martin, Australia
“Being a part of the Activation Sequence group has been very uplifting for me. The group has been very friendly and connected. Through this sequence I have learned a lot about myself and how I can work towards a better me. Matthew has been very helpful in helping us to understand the gene keys and how they work with our DNA. I have enjoyed it immensely.”
- Beth, Australia
Matthew has been working with the Gene Keys in his life for the last 8 years and guiding others through the journey for the last 2 1/2 years. He has been a professional speaker and facilitator for the last 15 years in the health and wellness industry. He continues to practice Kriya Yoga of the Siddha Nath tradition, under the guidance of Yogiraj Gurunath Siddhanath. He has a passion for all things of a spiritual nature and has studied many different teachings, appreciating the underlying unity of them all.