![]() We are rounding up four years of Pluto, the planet associated with underworld journeys and the rising of the Phoenix, moving through the 60th Gene Key (Limitation–Realism–Justice). As Pluto moves out of this Gene Key, I am reflecting on the 4 years that it has been traversing it, how it has affected me personally, and what I have seen in relation to the cracking of the vessels of the systems of the world. This Gene Key is about the limitations of our thinking, individually and as a society; the structures of our minds; and the structures of the world, including all its red tape. It’s about the structures of education systems and religions that refuse to evolve and allow new energies the space to unravel. It’s also about the limitations imposed by our systems of finance and the man-made laws that have been implemented. We are the microcosm within the macrocosm, so these systems, and our responses and reactions to them, can serve as a source of inquiry. The Shadow either reacts to any kind of structure or becomes so bound by structures that no new life is allowed to enter, with old structures being held onto tightly. Under the influence of this Shadow, we can become so bogged down by structures that we forget our original intentions. Think of all the projects you began in earnest, only to discover the forces seeming to be pitted against you—the people who told you it was not possible or the organizations that didn’t allow for that kind of thinking in their hallowed halls. It is out of this that the saying, “The pathway to hell is paved with good intentions,” might be said to arise. Some of us have caved to those limitations, others have reacted to them, and still others have transcended them to new levels of freedom. We might feel that the answer is to have no structures at all, and perhaps the pendulum will swing that way for a bit until we recognize the need for some structures. Structures are necessary, but holding on to them too tightly limits the ability of new energies to move through. Realism allows for the energies to move freely while offering the boundaries needed in the world of form. The Gift of Realism works with structures in a way that allows magic into the world. It is the cracking of the vessel. It is a gift needed in a world whose old systems have been failing us. Those with this Gift often work inside the systems to change them from the inside out. They have an innate knowing and trust in relation to the timeframe in which such changes occur. They commit to their piece of the puzzle, step back, and allow the changes to unfold. They don’t see themselves as some great savior but as someone who has a role to play in the community in some way—a person who is no longer a victim of limitations, such that they can be a source of support for those who still are. They do not “try” to bring Realism into the world; it happens when they transcend their personal limitations, trust, and allow the intended magic to take place. It is a Gift that, amongst many others, shamans, lawyers, psychotherapists, and ritual space holders often find in their profiles. Working with any system of personal transformation will cause us to come face-to-face with the themes of the 60th Gene Key. The Gene Keys themselves have a structure, one that is influenced by other, much older systems such as the I Ching and astrology. We could become so bound by those structures that we identify ourselves and others with them. When treated as guideposts on life’s journey, they can open us up to new worlds. When seen as a rigid definition of who we are, they can limit us. The Gene Keys themselves grew out of a limitation that Richard Rudd, the imagineer of the Gene Keys, experienced when working with another system, Human Design. Others felt the limitations and forged different paths forward, but Richard and many others continue to honor the original structure of Human Design even as they do so. The Gene Keys themselves continue to evolve, with the recent launch of the Star Pearl offering a new structure and creative way of working with the Gene Keys that is quite different to previous pathways, and may in turn influence them in time. Even the astrological influences of the Gene Keys and Human Design can vary according to the type of astrology used. You may have been very used to working with the Tropical astrology that is at the root of the Gene Keys system. Over the last few years, more and more people have spoken about their deep resonance with the True Sidereal Gene Keys charts. People can become attached to either structure, and I have seen strong arguments for each, and sometimes a strong need to defend each system. This has allowed me to investigate and explore the different ways astrologers work with the two systems and what can be observed through them. I don’t feel the need to discard my Tropical astrology Gene Keys chart, but I am curious about the True Sidereal system and have found some resonance in it. I am also mindful of how the limitations of the mind will cause it to continuously seek resolution at the intellectual level, being drawn in by yet more knowledge and new systems, when in fact, letting go of elements of structure is what is needed at certain times, with less reliance on systems. When I took on the role of Dream Arc Manager in the Gene Keys, I experienced a period of time when the Gene Keys profile was not in my life at all—I was so deep in the work with the natural world. I could feel the part of me that felt alone, believing I needed to keep addressing the profiles so that I might connect with others in the community, and continue the work I had been doing as a Guide for the last few years. But as I began to let go of the structure of the profile and started working with a different structure in the Dream Arc, I could feel some of my self-obsession melting away. I experienced even more magic occurring in my life. The Dream Arc doesn’t just bring us into a deeper relationship with animals, but with all of life. Dreams are for the whole, not just the individual. And so, I still work with my Gene Keys profile, but much more lightly than before. It has helped me individuate, but clinging to the structure was not going to serve. I realized that, far from being alone, I had come into an even deeper relationship with the world around me and the ancestors who walk with me. Notice how rigid you are when someone else suggests a system you may not have considered. Is there a risk they could upset the very foundations of your existing structure? Or is there a new energy that you might be willing to entertain? Have you noticed a shift in your ways of thinking over these last four years? Have you noticed changes in the structures of your life? Did you notice yourself clinging to old ways and structures and eventually release that rigidity? Have you noticed the theme of the 60th Gene Key in the changes in the world? Have you noticed reactions to old ways and structures that once worked but no longer do? Sometimes, that can be the most obvious way to see it, out there in the world. It could be easy to stay in the rage, at those who refuse to allow for the changes, but this keeps us a victim of limitation in other ways. How we react and respond to world structures points us back inside ourselves, to our Shadows and the reclamation of our Gifts—the things we have control over. When in reaction, we could remember to pause, feel the pain, accept and embrace it, and in time observe as it changes from reaction into an inner revolution that calls us to action in the world, free from our previous limitations. I have definitely observed changes and new orientations in my life. Outmoded ways of thinking that served me in earlier times have been replaced by new ways of thinking and being. Ritual is much more a part of my life in these last few years. I take time to tend the sacred spaces in my home—the spaces where I commune most easily with my soul. My relationship with nature has deepened even more, and as it has, I have become detached from some of the ways of city life, though I recognize where I still depend on it. I now live in a small town tucked within a British Columbian rainforest, and nature offers me the boundaries and structures that I flow within most often. I am now working as part of a business team after having been a solopreneur for many years. Working alone had been my way for so long. As I came to work more closely as part of the Gene Keys team in the last six years, old ways of thinking had to be left behind. I could see how they were limiting me. The vision of Synarchy has long inspired me, but many of us did not grow up in a world that honored this. And so, I have been decolonizing my mind and challenging some of the ways of doing business that have long been seen as standard practice, which often operate at the shadow frequency. I have also recognized where certain structures I had rejected are still serving at this time, and I am allowing for gradual changes to occur. I still offer work as a solopreneur but from a space of deeper connection to the whole. Politicians are learning that the old magic that always won them elections no longer works in the same way. New magicians are stepping in, working with the evolving structures of communication. Gone are the days when a giant billboard or controlled conventions alone determined the public’s choices. Some of these methods are still utilized, but we live in a time where more people are connected through social media, where algorithms limit us more than we might realize, or watch podcasts. The rising politicians aren’t all motivated by a place of service to the whole (even if their spin says they are). Manipulation to meet agendas persists, though the structures for doing so are changing. This four-year cycle is coming to a close as many countries choose new leaders, and chaos ensues everywhere as new beginnings take root. There have been major upheavals, wars, resignations, and impeachments worldwide. To me, it has felt like a collective journey into the underworld, but it would be fantasy to think these changes have brought us straight to the doorstep of a Golden Age. They may provide the contrast that leads to future generations living in a Golden Age, though. There is a combination of keys called the Cross of Laws in Human Design (60th, 56th, 50th, and 3rd Gene Keys). At the Shadow frequencies, they are limitation, distraction, corruption, and chaos. Any time we go through big structural changes, we can sense these energies at play. There is always an invitation to embrace the chaos so that we might see the underlying order. There are those taking on new roles in new governments who have these keys in their Activation Sequence. This is neither good nor bad; it simply is. These individuals may operate at Shadow frequencies in some areas of life and at Gift frequencies in others, but they deeply feel the change and the need for it. We are seeing the rise of AI and the impact of this new form of structure and thinking. While it will surely offer some benefits, there are concerns about how it will be implemented. Many are understandably focused on the fears related to AI’s rise, and some are focused on integrating these fears. The outcomes of our use of AI remain uncertain, but if we embrace the uncertainties and fears, we can alchemize them into something yet unseen. We could collectively create new structures where AI may continue to serve us. But we must not bury our head in the sand or deny the very real possible consequences of choosing that path which has foreseen and unforseen detriments. As always, the astrology of the planets indicates the influence but does not predict the outcome, only the potential. Each person will experience the influences differently, according to their individuality. In the next few years, Pluto will traverse the 41st Gene Key (Fantasy–Anticipation–Emanation). We have a new cycle of transformation ahead of us. On January 30th, Pluto will move into 41 Line 1. We can feel the anticipation of what is to come, but at the same time, we must allow for the change to occur, we need to the deep spiritual work, and it will continue to intensify. We could get caught up in the dreamy fantasy of it all simply falling into place overnight, rather than becoming what we are called to become. This requires a deeper integration of our Shadows, Gifts, and Siddhis......and yes, a little Grace. Those of us who have the 41st Gene Key somewhere in our profile may experience powerful lessons in the areas of our lives that these activations relate to. Even if you don’t have it in your profile, you will notice its influence in your life, as all 64 Gene Keys make up who we are—just some more than others. For all of us, the 41st is about whether we dream our life away or live our genius. As January 30th approaches, I am sure I will feel compelled to share more. For now, I am taking this time to reflect on what has been the transformational journey of Pluto in the 60th Gene Key—for me as an individual (who does not have it anywhere in my profile), for our communities, and for humanity as a whole.
A story that has moved me recently is that of the best-known actor to play Superman, Christopher Reeve. I watched Superman, a documentary movie about his life and struggles. It inspired me so deeply that, rather than writing a Facebook post, I am allowing myself to truly dig in and write a full blog post—something I have not done consistently for some time. The first Superman movie was released in 1977, the same year as the first Star Wars movie and the year humanity discovered the asteroid Chiron, also known as the Wounded Healer. During that year, we were introduced to heroic stories that would go on to define an entire generation. I was born in 1978, so although I do not remember the film's release, it is a story that profoundly affected me as a young boy growing up in the seemingly dull doldrums of the UK. It surely inspired my love of flight—something I shared with Reeve himself, an avid flyer before losing his mobility and nearly his life in a horse-riding accident in 1995. As always, I watched the movie with the Gene Key profiler close at hand, quickly looking up Christopher Reeve's birth date—and even his time of birth—to create the most accurate profile possible. As I sat and watched the movie, the spheres within his chart seemed to light up in different ways at various moments. In this article, I aim to share some reflections on his chart, as well as insights from his life—things that he himself appeared to learn over the course of his journey. Early in the movie, we hear Christopher say during his promotion of the Superman movie that America needs more heroes. At the time, he did not elaborate on what that meant, but by the end of his life, he offered a reflection that struck a chord with me. The kind of superhero the movie brought to the world was one of superhuman strength, with lasers for eyes, and the ability to fly without any machine (a recurring dream for many of us, including me). But he was also portrayed as kind, with a childlike smile and a cheeky sense of humor. He was less of the machismo-driven hero seen in many action flicks and more akin to the chivalrous heroes of old. His meteoric rise (pardon the pun) launched him into the public consciousness as a superhuman being. In his personal life, he seemed that way too—playing sports, flying airplanes, and careening down mountainsides on skis with his family. It was easy to see the Gift of Vitality reflected in his Purpose Gene Key, 58. Yet, it was the later events of his life that illuminated his chart for me. He appeared to enjoy freedom and seemed to crave it above all else. His desire for freedom even prevented him from committing to the mother of two of his children, as he believed he could not experience freedom while in a relationship. This theme is reflected in his Creativity Sphere, linked to the 39th Gene Key (which moves from Provocation to Liberation and is associated with the Pathway of Dynamism). At the shadow frequency, this key manifests as a fear of being trapped. He had much he wanted to create and achieve in life, and the examples set by his father and other men before him led him to believe that freedom was incompatible with relationships. However, he later changed his mind, marrying Dana and realizing he could experience freedom within marriage. Still, this fear of entrapment would be tested in unimaginable ways. In 1995, Reeve experienced a life-changing horse-riding accident. He was flipped onto his head, breaking his neck and becoming paralyzed. This man, who had embodied the idea of a living Superman for so many, came close to losing his life. He was placed on a ventilator and told he would never walk again. Reeve's Core Wound corresponds to the 28th Gene Key (which moves from Purposelessness to Immortality and is linked to the Pathway of Totality). This key forces us to confront the fear of death, which underpins feelings of purposelessness. In the critical moments following his accident, Reeve faced this fear, as did those around him, who began contemplating a life without him. In the years that followed, he questioned his purpose, unable to move or live independently without his wife's or others' support. But over time, he found a sense of purpose—one that transcended his individual needs and served the over 200,000 people worldwide in similar circumstances who could not afford the support he received. "Nietzsche called the highest level of his Will to Power the ‘Superman.’ His ideas have been dismissed or misunderstood by many over the years, yet I find his insight beautiful and true. We all have the capability to transcend this reality and become a superman or superwoman—someone destined to attain the highest state of purification possible in a human body. To be Superman or Superwoman is to bring an end to death and become eternal." - Richard Rudd, Gene Keys While watching the movie and experiencing the waves of emotion as the story unfolded, it felt as though Reeve's spirit was present in the room, reliving his life lessons with us. His life after the accident challenged his view of himself and the meaning of the word "hero." He chose to live out of the public eye for a time, until his moving appearance at the Oscars in 1996. He had been remembered as a man of vitality and strength, yet now he was unable even to brush his own teeth. He knew how the world once viewed him and shared how difficult it was to show this new, vulnerable side to millions of viewers. The standing ovation and tears he received that night inspired him. "You have to accept yourself as part of a far greater flow than you can see, and as such, you have to accept that there are times when you will feel deeply restrained." - Richard Rudd, Gene Keys Our Radiance Sphere governs our health, vitality, and aura. In Reeve's profile, this sphere is represented by the 52nd Gene Key (which moves from Stress to Stillness and is associated with the Pathway of Restraint). Those with this key often feel deeply restrained by the universe. For someone who spent the remainder of his life in a wheelchair, I can only imagine how deeply Reeve had to embrace this restraint. The 52nd Gene Key also appeared as his SQ (Spiritual Intelligence) and holds particular significance: he was born in 1952, died at age 52, and carried the 52nd Gene Key twice in his profile. This key also emphasizes breathing. Stress, like the physical trauma Reeve endured, often leads to shallow, constricted breathing. His breathing required medical support for the rest of his life. I can only imagine the frustration and restlessness he must have felt, yet he found moments of peace and stillness through meditation. This Gene Key also asks, "How can I be of the greatest service to the whole?" Reeve answered this question from his wheelchair, dedicating himself to supporting others with disabilities. He and Dana's foundation invested in stem cell research and other advancements to support those living with paralysis. The 52nd Gene Key is about planting seeds, trusting that we may never sit under the trees that grow from them. It is about beginning with a selfless intention and nurturing when guided. Years after Reeve's passing, people continue to watch his story and feel the seeds he planted taking root. As mentioned earlier, Chiron was discovered in 1977, the year the first Superman movie was released. This discovery occurred in the 27th Gene Key (which moves from Selfishness to Selflessness and is associated with Altruism). While this key was not in Reeve's chart, it ties into the life of the hero. As children, many of us admired heroes like Superman for their superpowers, but the 52nd Gene Key shifts the focus to selfless service. The difference is that we are here to serve the whole, not to save it. “A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles.” - Christopher Reeve The 46th Gene Key (which moves from Seriousness to Ecstasy and is associated with Delight) is considered the benevolent Gene Key of the SQ. Reeve had this Gene Key twice in his Star Pearl profile, linked to his Brand and Relating Spheres. At the gift frequency, this key embodies ease within the body. Did Reeve ever feel this ease? In his memoir, Still Me (a genius play on words), he shared that meditation helped him experience moments of peace and connection with his body. This resonates beautifully with the Stillness of the 52nd Gene Key and the Ecstasy of the 46th. Reeve delighted audiences as Superman, inspiring childlike wonder. In later years, his vulnerability inspired tears and admiration. Even in photos of him in his wheelchair, his smile still seemed to light up a room. "Ecstasy begins with the breath. When we learn to breathe deeply, not in a forced way, but a relaxed and open way, then the softness of life can approach us." - Richard Rudd, Gene Keys Reflecting on Reeve’s life, I am inspired by the man who brought one of my favorite childhood heroes to life. His strength, even in raising a finger, inspired hope. Returning to the Purpose Sphere of the 58th Gene Key, we see that stability comes from within. Despite the challenges of life, Reeve found joy in selfless service—through spinal cord research, directing, and building a foundation that continues to serve those with disabilities. Watching his story unfold brought me to tears, but also to a sense of wholeness. He showed that even in loss, we can find vitality. "We never lose the things and people we love. It's a cliche to say that we carry them in our heart, but it's true. Everything we touch and everyone we love becomes a part of us and increases our vitality. All the people we have ever loved through our lives will all be there in front of us when our heart one day opens absolutely. The one who appears to have left is actually allowing us to feel more whole.' - Richard Rudd, Gene Keys My tears showed me that I had a connection with this man, the 7 year old inside of me has a connection to the delight that he brought into my life. And his selfless service when seemingly imprisoned in a body inspires the adult that sits here writing this. His life story and his beingness makes me feel more whole. Thank you for your service Christopher Reeve. |
AuthorYoga, spirituality, science, adventures and more. These blogs are designed to uplift your days and help you find clarity. Archives
January 2025